Computer Care
If you are a micro business or a sole proprietor your computer is likely your business. It holds all the treats and rewards for your company. It needs to be cared for like one of the family.
First, make sure you have an automatic backup service in place. There are many of these online which are a minimum cost annually for the peace of mind they provide. This is most important for sole proprietors. Single worker firms usually do not have the capacity for their own server. These online overnight backup services are truly ideal for both preserving your firm’s information and your peace of mind. We know of at least a few colleagues where using such a service helped in times of trouble with their computer. Lifesaving is likely not an understatement here.
While it is not out of the question that micro business owners have a second computer, it is not always the case. We discovered that having both a PC and a Mac can be very beneficial if you are sharing files, particularly WORD documents that are being co-edited. Often, the programs from a PC to a MAC do not share in perfect form. Depending on the industry you are in, such as publishing, you really need a MAC. On the other hand, industries like banking or insurance or investments trend towards the use of a PC. If you are in the market for a backup computer, consider whether it should be the same as the one you have or not. This could be beneficial in the future if you were to have one of each.
Lastly, most computer brands offer some type of warranty and/or service care. While the several hundred dollars to purchase these may seem daunting to an already financially stretched small business owner, it is worth it. A recent example saw a colleague needing a full rebuild of her computer. Had she not invested in her warranty/care option, she would have been forced to buy a new computer for several thousand dollars. Instead, her care program covered it for the cost of $299, versus the $5000 staring her down for a brand new computer.
In the end, for many of us, our computers are our business. Invest in them like you do yourself, your family, your pets. Consider them family and with the right backup elements in place you should be able to seamlessly run your business.
Be well.