‘I’ll Buy One’

There seems to be a chasm between small business owners and corporate employees. We see it in many aspects of every day dealings but none is as prominent as the ‘l’ll buy one’ comment.

If you can, support a local small business. If you can afford it, try to buy gifts for birthdays or holidays from a local small business. Buy your pet food, your clothing and accessories from small businesses. Buy your kitchenware, your outdoor spring and summer garden items. The list really can go on and on. But it requires a commitment, a commitment to your local businesses, your local community. And do not insult them by saying ‘I’ll buy one’ when you can afford to buy many items for gifts. Buying ‘one’ of anything with a smaller ticket item, say under $30, is more an insult than anything else.

A few years ago an Author came to a local club and gave a speech on his new book. He was not paid to do this. A few of us went to the local book shop to buy the book after the speech. We bought 7 and had them signed and sent them as holiday gifts to various friends and colleagues. My sister bought 10. This is how you support a small business, you buy in handfuls not singles. Please remember that.

So, next time you need to buy something, first stop and think and decide if you could possibly buy it from a local small business. Second, if they are promoting a new product or a new book, determine if you can support multiple purchases and help them spread the news about their product. Be a part of the marketing agent their small business likely doesn’t have the capacity to purchase.

Be respectful of small Businesses, especially if they are friends, family, or colleagues. And do not just buy one.

Be well.


Horsing Around


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