Be the Change You Want to See

As we begin to tie up loose ends for the year, you should take stock of your Circle of Trust Advisors. Now is a good time to make any changes you feel are necessary.

Much like so many things in our lives, an annual review of your Advisors is a must. You’ve had a full year now of working with them. Some questions to ask yourself: Are we in sync? Have they offered me any recommendations or suggestions to make my business a better one? Are their fees within an acceptable range for the services I am receiving? And, most importantly, Do they seem to really care about me and my business?

The last question is an important one. If you are paying someone to advise on your business and it does not appear they truly care about you and your corporate journey, it is clearly time to reassess. Have they called or emailed to see how things are going? If able, have they offered to meet in person for lunch or at least asked to meet virtually just to check in with you? If you are still evaluating this, see if they send you a year end Holiday Card. If you don’t make their Holiday Card list, move past them.

A challenging time can be if one of your Advisors changes employers. Immediately, you may feel betrayed and/or confused, even angry. Change is hard enough when we choose it, when it is thrust upon us, our reaction is often not a positive one. And, likely you have become familiar with the person and entrusted them with emotions and private thoughts over the duration you have worked with them. The question you will need to answer is: Should you stay or Should you go?

When evaluating a change in an Advisor, making a list of Pros & Cons can make a difference. And it should lay out in black and white what your answer should be. Walking away from business relationships can often be as complicated as your personal ones. Making a list, evaluating why you feel the need to change or if change has been thrust upon you, and calmly assessing your next move will enable you to build a stronger relationship moving forward.

There are many reasons why you make a change. Be the change you want to see.

Like Cece, our White Standard Poodle in today’s Blog photo, whose owner changed it up and went Pink to announce a new girl pet joining the family, don’t be afraid to consider making your own statement. It might just be the opportunity you need to journey forward.

Be well.


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All in the Family