To the Digital Age & Beyond
Recently, we have been noticing that many small businesses that we are buying from do not have websites. It really is time to walk, well, likely run, into the Digital Age.
As we move beyond terms like quarantine and working from home, it is important to assess if your business is ready to journey forward as well. Disregarding the Digital Age can mean a slow path to or no path to growth. I have actually not moved forward on some purchases or services with companies because they do not have a website or they do not have a digital means of purchasing.
If your business does not maintain a website, is it because of the cost or maintenance or both? There are many build your own options available or website providers that are simple but effective. To not maintain a website makes it own statement, make sure that is what you are seeking for your business. And ask yourself have your or will you lose business because of this decision? If you are honest with yourself the answer has to be Yes in this Digital Age.
There does seem to be a trend where small businesses utilize Facebook Pages to drive business by maintaining a free page. When you look at the tab named About, the first thing most people look for is the website. And in many cases, it is just an email address, to a free email service like AOL, Gmail, or Yahoo that they find. Do note that to work with any government agency, there is almost always a requirement to maintain a website, it is a condition of being awarded the contract.
When considering your firm and its digital imprint, highly consider including a basic website. You can abide by the principle to keep it simple. Simple should equate to affordable and you might be surprised how much a digital presence changes your business.
Be like our Pomeranian in today’s blog photo, recognize the importance of going digital and start building your website today! Surely, the benefits will be forthcoming. Establishing and maintaining a Digital Pawprint or Footprint should be a priority for all of us with small businesses.
Be well.