Harnessing the Power of Social Media Interns
Business school interns can play a critical role in your small business. Their vast knowledge of social media platforms can propel your brand to a new status.
As part of your marketing plan, consider reaching out to local colleges and inquiring about their Internship Programs. While many professionally licensed positions must pay interns and cannot take advantage of having their work qualify for credits for the interns, other roles can. Successfully integrating the use of interns into your business, particularly around social media, can be a true benefit for both parties.
This topic came up recently in one of our Peer Advisory Group meetings. Several of us have used interns before and it was recommended that social media is an excellent subject for interns to learn about running a business while applying their young, savvy knowledge and skills on the various platforms. They have literally grown up on these platforms and can help market your brand while honing their skills and acquiring references and credible business experience.
Choose the college or university you wish to work with on this endeavor. If you do not know anyone that works there, research their website for a Director of Internship Programs or reach out to the Dean’s administrative staff listed. They will surely be able to direct you to the right person. The schools work hard to create internship programs for their students so assisting businesses in assessing whether or not their desired work qualifies for class credit is an important part of their offerings.
Make sure to integrate use of interns into both your marketing plan and your recruitment plan. You may likely find your future employees from this group.
Be like our Pug in today’s Blog Photo, propel your firm into the future by using all the tools in your business tool box. Identifying sn internship program that your firm can work within is a terrific way to help students gain real work exposure at the same time your business social media platforms can be refreshed.
Be well.