Speak Up!

There are many ways to market your personal brand and your business together. One of the most common methods is to accept speaking engagements about you and your business.

Chambers of Commerce often present seminars on aspects of a business that apply to everyone. Examples include banking, legal advice, investments, cash management, supply chain management, logistics management, etc. The list can go on and on. If you belong to a chamber, it is worth investigating if there are any opportunities that make sense for you to offer a free presentation on your business. Do not be afraid to make the inquiry, you never know what may come out of the effort!

Another great example for you to market all that is your brand is a professional trade association. Depending on your service or product, consider trade associations in manufacturing or the medical, dental, veterinarian, legal, architecture , accounting, or engineering communities. All of these professions require annual continuing education credits and, perhaps, your presentation can qualify.

Another venue not to be overlooked would be clubs where members utilize your service. Research business and social clubs around you. Your talk may be just what they have been searching for.

Additionally, not for profits whose mission may augment your offerings can also be a good source of marketing for you. Gaining awareness in everyday organizations like these can help propel your personal brand, your corporate brand or both! Do not overlook the simplest of gathering places.

As you look forward to a new year, assess whether or not incorporating some speaking engagements makes sense for you and your organization. These opportunities can be a 'Diamond in the Ruff’ for you. If nothing else, it should encourage dialogue around you and your business offerings. And free positive marketing is always welcome.

Be like our dogs in the blog photo this week, listen up and present your story. Certainly, there is an audience out there that will benefit from what you have to say.

Be well.


Harnessing the Power of Social Media Interns


Lifting Yourself Up