Hello & Happy New Year

It’s that time of year again. A brand new beginning, a bright new future for what lies ahead. Let’s make it a great year, filled with kindness and courtesy!

Recently, I have been noticing an alarming trend, the lack of courteous greetings. This is most prevalent in text messages and emails. People seem to have forgotten that a greeting opens a door slowly in an inviting way. And, instead, the door is slammed open with a sentence or question that is delivered like a sack of coal. BOOM. It is hard to get past that initial loud slam and feel willing to assist or respond, whichever the sender is seeking of you.

A greeting to start off your text or email can be as simple as the word Hello or even Hi, if you prefer shorter words. It allows the receiver to feel a personal touch. Even better are words like Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening. They send a message that the sender is actually wishing you good will and not just reaching out to you for their own gain. It seems simple but I am noticing a dangerous increase of no salutation, no greeting. I confirmed it was not just me as several colleagues agreed with me when I brought up this subject. So Simple. Just do it.

In these challenging Pandemic times, including a salutation, a greeting, a kind entry to the real purpose of your contact can go a long way. It can be uplifting to the receiver, encouraging them to assist you and be recognized as actually caring about them. Truly, wouldn’t you want the same?

So, with all of the New Year Resolutions out there, including a greeting in any dialogue you initiate via text or email, can make for a kinder, caring world. It is a simple gesture but try to do it, change the world literally one or two words at a time! We can all do this and make a real impact!

Be well!


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