
In the dog sporting world, you will often hear the term focus. A dog with focus almost always achieves its goals. The same can be said for your business posts, keep them focused!

Recently, we have seen a disturbing trend on social media business posts. We call it the commandeering of a post. This is where a follower decides to either challenge the content of your post or change its focus. They will often comment with a perspective opposite of yours or simply comment about something completely unrelated to the topic of your original post. How should you react?

If you post about your business or your products or your services and a comment is made that either disagrees with your intended message or presents a combative remark, just delete it. We have witnessed that disagreeing with such comments or even just responding to them, can sometimes create a worse situation. A war of words is never the intention of the original poster.

Most business posts are presented for informational purposes. Perhaps you wish to alert your followers of a new product, or inform them of new hours or a new location or just want to acknowledge how much you appreciate their interest in your business. Such passive posts are not the place for a war of words. There is a reason social media platforms normally offer you an option to block followers. Some people just cannot seem to control themselves and deserve to be blocked.

The next time you see a post on social media, particularly if it is from a small business, say something kind about it, or just scroll past it. Starting an argument, showing your true combative colors on a public forum, does not contribute to a kinder world. In many ways, it just makes you look foolish.

Respect the hard work of all businesses, particularly those smaller ones trying to move forward in a positive manner. Help businesses keep their focus positive, especially on social media.

Be well.


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Changing Your Followers