Stretch for Success: Collaborate with Peers

In the game of fetch, the dog needs their handler to throw higher and throw farther for maximum jump impact. They cannot do this alone, so they collaborate with their handler and stretch for success.

In the business world, it is no different. There are ways to collaborate with peers to help the business owner stretch for their own success. And many of these options do not require payment like membership based affiliations.

Podcasts are everywhere and most are free. An internet search on your industry or the business strategy you wish to learn more about is just a click away. You can even listen to them via Bluetooth when enjoying some down time. They are a great means to educating yourself if your topic is a subject of a Podcast. Do your research, you can likely find the ones that will work best for your particular needs.

Facebook groups that require members to join are often another great option for peer advice. Many are profession or trade specific and others might address general business questions like how to speed up payment, etc. These groups can often allow members to reach beyond their local geographic area of business and learn how others across the country or even internationally are getting things done.

Of course, these groups are normally not available for those in industries heavily regulated for privacy, like banking. But we do know of several in the design community, as an example. And if you cannot locate what you want, start one! These are free to start and to join.

A third method of collaborating with Peers is through the use of YouTube Channels. Again, find one to follow or start your own. Many are free but some you need to subscribe to. It is another poplar method to discuss hot topics in your industry or in general business.

And, of course, Blogs like Making A Point. Specific internet searches for Blogs on any subject can be found with the right keywords. Again, most are free and you can subscribe for updates without cost.

In today’s social media world, there are many more options to talk to peers without farmal schedules and membership fees. None of us can succeed at our business alone so search for the best platforms to engage in peer advisory chats and stretch for success!

Be well.


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