Staying in the Game

I was reminded this last week, not just once, but twice, how important ‘staying in the game’ is on a professional level. Staying up to date on licensing, registrations, memberships, etc, can be a game changer for your business.

Businesses who wish to be a Federal Government Contractor need to stay up to date with their SAM Registration. Who or what is SAM you may ask. System for Award Management, which must be renewed annually and remain active, is a registration system for businesses wishing to be considered for any type of government contract. There is no cost to it and you can find all the information at www.Sam. gov. You never know when suddenly your business will need a SAM ID, so take the time to Register and Renew.

Many small businesses and Solopreneurs ustilize associations or their local chambers of commerce for insurance. You cannot participate in those insurance programs if you are not a member. So, pay the annual fee and pay it on time. This is a fee you can likely pay by credit card and can usually set up on automatic payment. Consider doing this, such memberships are critical on many fronts, none more important than your health insurance plan. This is not a business expense you can likely afford to forget about or dismiss.

If you are a professional and need to maintain your license or certification to work, make sure you stay in the game and attend enough conferences, virtual or live, to keep your continuing credits on track for your yearly requirement. Most professions have enough virtual courses or conferences to allow for the required annual amount so you will likely not have to break the bank to keep your credits timely.

Staying in the game requires attention, planning, and dedication. If that game is on a field, in a boardroom, or in an office, you want to stay up to date on requirements to allow you to secure future work. Position yourself to be ready to take that leap at a moment’s notice!

Be well.


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