Your Signature Style

Each one of us has a signature style. Can yours help drive your business?

There are clients I have worked with who have a memorable attribute. One wore a bow tie every day to work. His collection must have been extensive as I never saw the same one twice. I always looked forward to our meetings as there was always a story behind each color combination. It always set him and his firm apart for me.

Hats are another defining accessory. There were many professional colleagues over the years who made this their defining style. You could not help but notice them. Some were hand made and imported from Europe. Some represented places or sports teams. But each was always a good topic of conversation.

When you consider your personal brand, you can incorporate defining items. Sometimes, It is a color, sometimes an item, and other times a greeting. There are many ways to differentiate yourself and ensure that people remember or look forward to your signature style. Remaining top of mind with referral sources and your clients should hopefully mean more business for your company.

Even now, I will sometimes see a color or a bow tie or a hat or a personal card and think of different clients and their business. One always sent monogrammed cards to their clients and vendors. It always made us realize are actions had made a positive impact on their business. And, in today’s high touch technology, a hand written card was nothing. if not memorable.

As we continue in a Zoom Business Environment, consider adding a signature style, like Rex and his bow tie, in our blog photo today. It is a great way to add some fun to your day and ensure you and your business stay top of mine.

Be well.


Solopreneur: A Profile in Strength & Courage


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